Systemic consulting
When is systemic consulting right for you?
If the following statements apply to your organisation, you are right to use the systemic consulting approach.
In my organisation:
we need an expanded field of vision for new solutions and new ways of thinking
we want to utilise all existing resources and potential and actively involve them in shaping the future
we promote self-organised and decisive action
constructive and appreciative collaboration is a top priority
we support individual and joint further development
My understanding of consulting
Systemic counselling is not a protected term and there are many different interpretations of the correct and comprehensive definition. Personally, I like the further development into the so-called "third mode" of counselling (book recommendation: "Beratung im Dritten Modus. The art of utilising complexity", R. Wimmer/K. Glatzel, T. Lieckweg [ed.]). This combines expert and process consulting with the aim of giving organisations a broader, different view of their system and leading different problem dimensions to a viable solution in an integrated process.
In my work, I combine classic expert consulting (change excellence, training and further education, people development) with process consulting - and support (methodical design of consulting situations). My focus lies on teams, as I am convinced that we can only successfully master our challenges together. At the same time, I always keep an eye on the organisation and the interactions between the organisation and its environment. After all, individuals have a reciprocal relationship with their social environment. We adapt our behaviour to our environment. A deficit-oriented view of ourselves as individuals falls far short of the mark.
I bring strengths to light and support their development. I help you to create a learning organisation that dynamically and continuously questions and develops its success logic and thus remains relevant. I am also interested in public and non-profit organisations and cooperation between public and private organisations (Fit4Partnering).
In most cases, the solution to your problem lies with you as an expert.
My contribution as a systemic organisational consultant:
Opening up new perspectives on your organisation
Promoting and facilitating constructive dialogue and reflection processes
Activation of potential for ideas and change through figurative language, application of specific questioning techniques, reframing, change of perspective, etc.
Strengthening competences and joint learning through optimal methods for small and large groups
Strengthening shared success and identity in teams and organisations
I always maintain an impartial and appreciative attitude. I do not see myself as a puppet of decision-makers who mandate change and want to implement it top-down as a short-term project and impose it using ready-made solutions "with a bit of good communication". Impact does not happen overnight, but in the long term.
I see myself as a sparring partner who offers you hypotheses and perceptions in the mirror for discussion. I may also use constructive, confrontational interventions to deliberately create impulses that provoke a new perspective. This doesn't always have to feel good, but it can be very effective in the best interest of the further development of your organisation.
My style is open, direct, dynamic and yet always prudent and respectful.
Are you curious and would like to experience systemic consulting?
I look forward to getting to know you!